
Family Discipleship Subscription

For less than $7 a month, we'll walk with you through the entire year for family discipleship! Along with all the high quality online content and digital resources, you'll receive a subscription box with physical tools for the entire year that you can use at home. We're here to make family discipleship fun, engaging, and actually doable - as we bring Deuteronomy 6 alive in your home!
Our great offer

Benefits of this subscription plan

Family Conversation Starters

Every week there is a short conversation starter video for you and your family to enjoy and kick off spiritual conversations of substance.  

Launching Godly Leaders

Powerful themes every week based on Biblical truths that prepare your kids to be the next generation of leaders.

On-line Community

Tap in to a growing community around the world that cares about raising their kids to be passionate and resilient Christ followers.  

Busy Family Approved!

Yes, this actually works for families who are overwhelmed and don't know how to add more to their schedule!

Material You'll Love

You'll find an abundance of other videos, verses, crafts, STEM projects and more for each week related to the theme.

Physical and Digital

This subscription provides both physical tools and digital resources.  This is designed to work in the midst of the craziness of real life families

Family Discipleship Subscription

We'll walk with you through the entire year for family discipleship! Along with all the high quality online content and digital resources, you'll receive a subscription box with tools for the entire year that you can use at home. You don't have to walk this path alone!